Oakland Family Services

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It Takes a Village: How Parents as Teachers Transformed One Family’s Journey

“Parenting is the hardest job any of us have ever been tasked with,” shared Margo, mother of two.

Three years ago, Margo found herself in need of extra parenting assistance. Her older son, Gabriel, was struggling with behavioral challenges that she couldn't quite pinpoint. Gabriel had a difficult transition from preschool to kindergarten, and he was consistently stressed and unable to relax. Margo remembers thinking, “I need a little extra help here; this isn’t typical behavior.”

While Margo's support system consisted mainly of her mother, she craved a broader sense of community: “It takes a village, they say, and I found myself sorely lacking that village. I didn't have a community around me.” Recognizing this gap, she reached out for help and was introduced to Oakland Family Services’ home visiting program, Parents as Teachers.

Parents as Teachers provides the information, support, and encouragement parents need to help their children develop optimally during the crucial early years of life. The in-home program, delivered at no cost to parents, involves families in activities that encourage growth in language, social, and emotional development. Parent Educators make weekly or biweekly visits.

Margo’s experience with Parents as Teachers has been invaluable. Initially beginning the program with Gabriel, she continued participating with her younger son, Arthur. “It was still a support that I needed,” Margo shared.

The program provides a wealth of practical help. Margo previously struggled with time management, so she appreciates having in-home support to make lists and break things down step-by-step.

She also relies on Parents as Teachers for advice about her children. Margo is reassured when certain behaviors are typical, and at times, her concerns are validated with recommendations to visit the pediatrician. She explained, “Having that extra contact for resources is extremely helpful, especially when you know something is going on, but you can’t put your finger on it.”

Margo looks forward to each home visit, as do Gabriel and Arthur. Brittany, their Parent Educator, brings new educational resources and interactive activities. "I love the activities Brittany brings. It's always something they're immediately intrigued with,” Margo said. “Seeing the joy on their faces sparks new ways to engage with my children."

Most importantly, Parents as Teachers reassures Margo that she is a capable mother: “I received encouragement that I was doing better than I thought. It's like a sister putting her hand on my shoulder and saying, ‘You’re doing all right.’"

Without this encouragement, Margo believes she would have faced more stress, self-doubt, and frustration in her parenting. She acknowledges that the program has taught her to relax first, then identify, and move forward."

Oakland Family Services was the village Margo needed and has been an essential part of her family’s growth.

Learn more about Parents as Teachers.