Planned Gifts with Annuities

Considerations and Benefits

  • There is a guaranteed, fixed income for life.

  • The amount of the annuity payment is determined by two factors: the age of the donor and the size of the donor's gift. The older the donor... the higher the payout rate.
  • There are substantial income tax savings.
  • There is an income tax charitable deduction for the value of the gift during the year the annuity is established. If the income tax deduction exceeds the allowable amount of the donor's adjusted gross income, the excess can be carried over for up to five years.
  • In a deferred, charitable gift annuity, the income tax deduction is based on the annuitant's age at the time the payments begin, usually resulting in a larger deduction. The deduction is taken in the year that the annuity is established.
  • There are possible savings on capital gains taxes and gift and estate taxes.
  • Another beneficiary may receive the annuity for life as the donor's survivor.
  • Funds may be added to the charitable gift annuity each year.
  • Perhaps the greatest benefit is the personal satisfaction... the pleasure of knowing a gift will ultimately serve and benefit society.

 Who Might Be Interested?

  • Donors who can afford to make an outright gift but are concerned about future income needs and want something they can "count on".
  • Donors who simply want to replace a fixed income (such as income from a Certificate of Deposit) and make a future charitable contribution at the same time.
  • Donors with low-yield appreciated assets who want higher current income without incurring long-term capital gains taxes.
  • Younger donors who want to use one or more deferred payment gift annuities as a source of retirement income.
  • Donors who wish to provide financial assistance to a relative or someone else.
  • Donors who want a fixed income, have a modest amount to contribute, and like the simplicity of a charitable gift annuity.

Planned Gifts with Bequests

Considerations and Benefits

Many people are familiar with bequests to charity made by will but are uninformed about the benefits of other charitable planned giving options:

  • Bequests often are the first step in developing other charitable gift plans
  • A bequest can form the basis of a memorial gift
  • Funds received through a bequest will ultimately contribute to the growth of the Oakland Family Services Endowment Fund

Who Might Be Interested?

  • Donors who believe they need to control all of their assets to maintain their standard of living
  • Younger donors who are unsure of future needs and typically leave a percentage of the estate or residue to charity when they execute a will
  • Donors who have a long history of gift giving to a charity but are not able to give a large gift
  • Donors with assets and no heirs

Want to Know More?

For more information call the Oakland Family Services Development Department at (248) 858-7766, ext. 1203 or email at:

The information presented is for educational purposes and should not be considered as tax or legal advice. Donors should consult with their professional advisors.