Link to Your Provider

Below you will find our staff members’ names, positions and ID links on the Zoom platform, which are confidential and HIPAA-compliant. After clicking on the ID link for your staff member, you’ll be prompted to download and install Zoom on your computer or mobile device. For more details on joining a meeting with your device, please see

Day One

Alesha Hibbs
PRISM Case Manager
473 919 8141

Emily Stefanic
Physician Assistant
837 466 5799

Justin Remsing
Physician Assistant
792 050 3473

Micah Eans
Prism Outreach
435 511 9033

Natalie Sisson
Outpatient Therapist
525 748 3947

Scott Stanton
Outpatient Therapist
686 049 8801


Amy Hostinsky
Supervisor of Clinical Services
911 476 1132

Jennifer Hurst
Supervisor of Clinical Services
581 892 7860

Kym Carlson
Outpatient Therapist
416 649 6390

Molly Reed
Outpatient Therapist
242 356 5687

Nicole Clark
Outpatient Therapist
854 144 4515

Skylar Selik
Outpatient Therapist
947 421 1523

Bethany Hebron
Outpatient Therapist
926 988 1541

Julayne Magee
PRISM Program Coordinator
775 913 9946

Lindsay Natzel
Outpatient Therapist
218 679 1109

Nautica Jackson
Outpatient Therapist
609 546 3861

Rachel Boyle
Peer Recovery Coach
943 460 9044

Shirley Brogan
Outpatient Therapist
587 430 0436

Specialized Services for Youth (SSY)

April McNeill
Outpatient Case Manager
765 461 7456

Caitlyn Carter
Office Assistant
252 354 4523

Caroline Coburn
Intake Clinician
523 494 2979

Colleen Horton
Outpatient Therapist
659 730 5610

Dina Garcia
Hospital Liaison
938 419 9007

Emily Robinson
Home-Based Therapist
894 657 1898

Florencia (Flo) Herradon
Home-Based Therapist
663 652 9616

Glenda Vidosh
Certified Parent Support Partner, Community Liaison
245 946 8536

Jennifer Batey
Certified Parent Support Partner
807 833 7070

Justin Remsing
Physician Assistant
792 050 3473

Katie Kiner
Home-Based Supervisor
410 933 3665

Megan McIntosh
Wraparound Facilitator
580 527 8124

Melanie Watson
Outpatient Therapist
280 182 9846

Sarah Kukla
Intake Clinician
360 926 7105

Sparkle Johnson
Home-Based Therapist
974 216 8966

Taryn Koury
Home-Based Therapist
545 418 3474

Tiffany Bacon
Home-Based Therapist
457 948 6986

Victoria Pokryfky
Home-Based Therapist
260 509 3495

DBT Skills Class
259 862 1976

Brian Frick
Home-Based Therapist
729 269 6847

Carmen Wisniewski
Wrapaorund Facilitator
481 000 6300

Chelsea Quinn
Outpatient Supervisor
621 910 4063

Dariya Kuzmenko
Home-Based Therapist
998 680 4043

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Novak
Home-Based Therapist
357 389 0059

Emily Stefanic
Physician Assistant
837 466 5799

Genevieve Barr
Home-Based Therapist
204 915 5855

Jack Rodriguez
Outpatient Therapist
282 177 8694

John Jason
Wraparound Facilitator
620 737 7645

Kate Gilleylen
Youth Peer Support Specialist
690 502 2400

Katie Tibbles
Home-Based Therapist
904 501 1208

Maresa Keels
Wraparound Supervisor
485 959 9759

Meghan Tate-Redmond
Home-Based Therapist
313 331 7908

Michelle Bowden
Outpatient Therapist
304 197 3460

Shelly Martyniak
Medical Case Manager
295 277 7684

Stephanie Goodrich
Wraparound Facilitator 
702 147 2667

Teresa Pfenninger
Outpatient Supervisor
507 330 7718

Valerie Whitaker
Home-Based Supervisor
983 073 2758

Whitney Carlson
Home-Based Therapist
420 694 1413


Alison Desmone
Lead Case Manager
758 472 5685

Carolyn McClinton
Case Manager

Du Xiong
Case Manger
802 632 4487

Erin Wearing
Licensing Worker
945 708 8554

Lisa Gillett
Licensing Worker
366 964 3829  

McKenzie Piper               
Case Manager
599 322 2883

Samantha Susalla
Lead Case Manager
310 643 2059

Sara Schuster
Foster Care Supervisor    
650 863 4896

Sydney Zidarin
Case Manager
898 220 7555

Vyctoria Rogala
Adoption Foster Care Supervisor
681 758 9980

Anna Scott
Case Manager
334 758 7860

Cambree Machiniak          
Case Manager
206 450 0360

Cory McQuistion
Licensing Worker
234 736 6875

Emilianne Graham
Intake Licensing Worker
265 758 4066

Lynette Whitten
Foster Home Licensing Supervisor

Rebekah Birch
Licensing Worker
207 259 3391

Sarah Dagastino
Case Manager    

Sedona Frawley
Case Manager
257 097 1938   

Tracey Anderson
Case Manager
927 663 3008

Teresa Spong
Recruiter Licensing Worker
396 376 8866


Christina Hinze
Lead Early On Evaluator/Service Coordinator
248 464 8332

Kristi Chamberlain
Early On Evaluator/Service Coordinator
419 209 4836

MaKayla Wetoszke
Early On Evaluator/Service Coordinator
633 689 9339

Missy Maguire
Early On Contractor
355 452 0469


Carrie Sugden
Parent Educator
231 224 2127

Dana Spear
Parent Educator
436 633 9916

Sekrette Burbank
Parent Educator
604 760 0026