Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 995 677 5022
What are we doing? We’ll discuss the importance of routines and play games designed to help follow directions.
What do you need? No materials needed. Bring yourself and your listening ears!
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 995 677 5022
What are we doing? We’ll discuss the importance of routines and play games designed to help follow directions.
What do you need? No materials needed. Bring yourself and your listening ears!
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 995-677-5022
What are we doing? We’ll discuss safety tips for water play.
What do you need? Any kind of bucket/pan/container for water and cups, droppers, small buckets, etc. for water play.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 995-677-5022
What are we doing? We’ll discuss safety tips for water play.
What do you need? Any kind of bucket/pan/container for water and cups, droppers, small buckets, etc. for water play.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
The Importance of Mindfulness
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 581 182 3375
We will complete different mindfulness activities and talk about being present and mindful when playing with children.
Ready, Let's Grow! In-Person Playgroup
Making Reading Fun!
FREE playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
We will provide materials to make art projects based on different children’s books and discuss tips to make reading fun.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
Scavenger Hunt
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 581 182 3375
We will complete an indoor color scavenger hunt while talking about the five senses and how to use them in play.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
Toothbrushing Tips
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 581 182 3375
We’ll play a nutrition game to help kids understand which foods are healthy for their teeth, while discussing dental health.
Ready, Let's Grow! In-Person Playgroup
Sensory Play
FREE playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative.
We will provide materials for different types of sensory play and talk about its importance.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
Family Values
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 581 182 3375
We will draw family portraits while discussing the values that are important in your family and how to teach them to your kids.
Ready, Let's Grow! In-Person Playgroup
Reading is Fun!
FREE in-person playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Location: Oak Park Community Center (next door to the library)
We’ll read stories and sing songs while discussing ways to engage with your child when reading together.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
Yummy in My Tummy!
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 581 182 3375
We’ll discuss the importance of nutrition while cutting out pictures of food to make a food collage.
Materials needed: paper, scissors, glue sticks, magazines with pictures of foods/grocery store ads
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup
Leaf Rubbings
FREE virtual playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Zoom ID: 581 182 3375
We’ll make leaf rubbings while discussing how to encourage kids to explore the world around them.
Materials needed: Leaves, paper, crayons with the wrappers off
Ready, Let's Grow! In-Person Playgroup
Calming Sensory Bottles
FREE in-person playgroup for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
We’ll provide materials to make sensory bottles while discussing tips to keep calm during the busy holiday season.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup: Calming Sensory
FREE PLAYGROUPS for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
We’ll discuss tips for self-regulation while playing with calming sensory materials.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581-182-3375
Materials Needed: Any kind of sensory materials to squish and manipulate: Play-Doh, slime, kinetic sand, squishy toys, etc.
Ready, Let's Grow! In-Person Playgroup: Color Fun
Free playgroups for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
Join us as we return to IN-PERSON playgroups! We’ll have materials for several different colorful art projects and talk about the difference between process art and product art.
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup: Magic Milk
FREE PLAYGROUPS for any child age 0-6, accompanied by a parent, caregiver or relative
We’ll discuss cause and effect with a science experiment involving milk and food coloring!
Zoom Meeting ID: 581-182-3375
Materials Needed: Milk, liquid food coloring, dish soap, cotton swabs, shallow dish (like a pie pan)
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroups - Fun With Letters
We'll discuss the importance of family values while practicing fine motor skills and problem-solving by wrapping and unwrapping objects.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroups - Toothbrushing Tips
We'll discuss the importance of family values while practicing fine motor skills and problem-solving by wrapping and unwrapping objects.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroups - Let’s Make a Snowman
We'll discuss the importance of family values while practicing fine motor skills and problem-solving by wrapping and unwrapping objects.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroups - Wrapping Fun
We'll discuss the importance of family values while practicing fine motor skills and problem-solving by wrapping and unwrapping objects.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroups - Nature Sensory Collage
Ready, Let's Grow! is a free playgroup series featuring professionally-led play. At this event, we’ll discover our senses as we collect materials from nature to make a collage.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup Series - Preparing for School
Ready, Let's Grow! is a free playgroup featuring professionally-led play. This event will focus on preparing for school, as we create our own pictures and practice our letters of the alphabet.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375
Ready, Let's Grow! Virtual Playgroup Series - Water Play
Ready, Let's Grow! is a free playgroup featuring professionally-led play. This event will focus on measuring, scooping, squeezing, pouring, and splashing will be done with water.
Zoom Meeting ID: 581 182 3375